Technology used in Aqualete Water Treatment Systems deemed unique by WIPO

  • Monday, 13 May 2013
  • Ocean Township, NJ

Aqualete Industries has filed patent applications for our intellectual property on all Aqualete Water Treatment Systems, including an International patent application for the WTS2000 portable device.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) assigned the South Korea Intellectual Property Office to review, perform the research and publish the results and opinion on our patent application. South Korea is highly respected in the WIPO regarding research and opinion.

Our applications, and all 21 claims under which protection is sought, were accepted and submitted without changes, including the highly scrutinized areas of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.  Storm Drain Technologies US Patent Reference #234,019 - Starr Water Treatment Systems WTS2000 US Patent Reference #605,824 – International Application # PCT/US2012/055655.


Aqualete Industries
3417 Sunset Avenue
Ocean, NJ 07712
P: 732.695.6336