Install: Borough of Ocean Gate, New Jersey

In August 2011, Storm Drain Technologies installed an Aqualete Water Treatment System in the Borough of Ocean Gate, New Jersey.

The goal of the project was to install Aqualete Water Treatment Systems on one existing drainage collection system with outfall pipe to Barnegat Bay. After installation, the water at the System’s influent and effluent were tested and evaluated at regular intervals. 





For this project, the stormwater treatment system needed to be:

  • retrofitted onto existing shallow drainage system
  • installed in a roadway right-of-way where the existing drainage trunkline is close to utilities
  • capable of operating in a high water table area
  • cost-effective to install and have minimal maintenance requirements
  • There was a 12 foot clearance between the existing trunkline and the town sanitary sewer line.



  • Two (2) SDT670 Systems were installed offline, in series.
  • A doghouse structure with baffle was installed over the existing drainage pipe to divert the flow of water offline and into the Aqualete Water Treatment System. The top of the baffle was the same height as the top of the inflow pipe.
  • Inspection ports were installed before, between, and after the Systems for grab samples and testing.
  • The system was then tied back into the existing drainage trunkline using a doghouse structure with backflow preventer.



  • Biomass and debris collected in the System did not wash out during higher than average volume storms, including Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy.
  • Nutrient compound reduction was greater than expected, with an average nitrate reduction of 25% and nitrite reductions of nearly 100%.
  • Pollutants removed by Aqualete Water Treatment Systems remained separate from each other so no cross-contamination occurred. This eliminated the need for special disposal after removal and kept nutrient loads lower than anticipated.
  • Independent certified lab results showed that the single SDT670 exceeded expected removal rates and that the second SDT670 in the series added little benefit due to the effectiveness of the first.
  • TSS, hydrocarbon, and nutrient compound reduction rates are consistently higher than any BMP device on the market today.



  • Least amount of jellyfish at outfall pipe treated with Aqualete Systems
  • Area of Barnegat Bay downstream of Systems has visibly less debris, clearer water, and cleaner bay bottom than prior to installation and when compared with other outfalls in the same community



Ocean Gate received bids and is ready to begin a project to install Aqualete Water Treatment Systems on all drainage outfalls leading to Barnegat Bay. The Borough has submitted applications for Environmental Infrastructure Trust (EIT) funding. Ocean County has also submitted for EIT funding in several communities for stormwater projects along Barnegat Bay. This is part of the County’s ten-year plan to treat runoff at every outfall.


Borough of Ocean Gate: Photos

SDT2670 installation in progress.

SDT2670 installation in progress.

Doghouse structure around existing trunkline.

Doghouse structure around existing trunkline.

Municipal street after installation.

Municipal street after installation.

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Aqualete Industries
3417 Sunset Avenue
Ocean, NJ 07712
P: 732.695.6336